
Uninstall eset without password
Uninstall eset without password

uninstall eset without password

  • Browse the Uninstall subkeys in the left-hand pane, and check the values in the right-hand pane to find a value for the DisplayName that equals Symantec Endpoint Protection.
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\.
  • Type regedit to open the Windows Registry Editor.
  • Find the Symantec Endpoint Protection uninstallation product key:.
  • Log on to the computer with administrator rights.
  • uninstall eset without password

    Password-protecting the Symantec Endpoint Protection client DOS Command Prompt Password protection needs to be disabled from SEPM: Note: If a client is password protected, you need to disable it first and then run the script.

  • A successful uninstall will return a message that ends with "ReturnValue: 0".
  • Run the following command: (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name='Symantec Endpoint Protection'" -ComputerName.
  • Open a PowerShell Window as Administrator.

  • Uninstall eset without password